Category: Plastic Surgery

Asps Texas: Upholding Professional Standards In Plastic Surgery

The field of plastic surgery in the United States is constantly growing, with many surgeons and clinics now offering a variety of procedures to their patients. One region that stands out for its advanced surgical techniques and innovative practices is Texas. The state is home to many members of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), emphasizing their commitment to patient safety and professional development. This article explores ASPS Texas, shedding light on its role in promoting excellence in plastic surgery within the state and beyond.

ASPS Texas boasts a large number of certified surgeons who specialize in an array of cosmetic and reconstructive procedures. This is testament to the stringent certification process enforced by the ASPS, which requires successful completion of recognized surgical training and examinations. The process ensures that all members of ASPS meet the highest professional and ethical standards.

ASPS members in Texas are known to prioritize patient safety. They adhere to a rigorous code of ethics, maintain their certification through continuous education, and utilize the most up-to-date surgical techniques. This spice seriousness about patient safety amongst ASPS Texas members promotes trust, helping to ensure patients feel secure whatever their chosen procedure may be.

Texas plastic surgeons affiliated with ASPS are renowned for being at the forefront of innovative practices in the industry. From breast augmentation to liposuction, rhinoplasty to facelifts, ASPS Texas is leading the way forward.

Included in these groundbreaking procedures is the Deep Plane Facelift Washington procedure, which has gained popularity due to its exceptional results. The deep plane facelift is a technique that offers a comprehensive approach to facial rejuvenation by addressing sagging in the midface, jawline, and neck. This method goes a layer deeper than the traditional facelift technique, giving surgeons an intricate view of facial anatomy and enabling them to make more precise repositioning of the underlying muscles and connective tissue.

Many ASPS Texas surgeons have mastered this deep plane technique, including those who have trained with leading practitioners in Washington. Notably, the exact phrase Deep Plane Facelift Washington has become synonymous with innovative and high-quality facelift surgery. It highlights how ASPS Texas members are not solely focused on mastering their craft but are also deeply invested in learning about and implementing advanced techniques from leading surgeons worldwide.

ASPS Texas is not just about professional development of its members; it also plays a crucial role in educating patients about plastic surgery procedures. Through articles on their website, public forums, and private consultations, the ASPS provides comprehensive information to equip patients with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions on their journey towards achieving their desired appearances.

In conclusion, ASPS Texas is an essential pillar in the advancement of plastic surgery both within the state and across the nation. They exemplify professional excellence, uphold patient safety, and promote innovation. Their recognition of pioneering practices such as the Deep Plane Facelift Washington technique underscores their open-minded approach to surgical advancements. As such, those considering plastic surgery can place their trust in ASPS Texas members as they strive for self-improvement through safe and effective surgical procedures.

Dangers Associated With Cosmetic Surgery

Dangers Associated with Cosmetic Surgery



Some of the dangers are also associated with cosmetic surgery which may be beneficial and in the other case it may also be harmful for many people too. Cosmetic surgery is the type of surgery that is being increasing on a greater extent and it is being liked by many people too and on the other hand it is also becoming more and more popular among many people. Most of the people living in this world prefer to use cosmetic surgery as it gives greater and beneficial results to people and it also tries to make people look smart and best at any cost.

Undergoing through the cosmetic surgery may lead some of the dangerous effects on people and those effects can somehow be a bit hazardous for the health of people though. People must know about all the dangers and risk of all the surgeries and same happens o be with the cosmetic surgery too. Before the treatment its dangers must be known by people and then the person must decide about the undergoing of the treatment. Through this all the benefits and negative aspects of the surgery would be known and hence then people can get good and better results. Pain had been found to be one of the major danger that most of the people may have to suffer when undergoing the treatment and in many cases after the undergoing of the treatment people may have to suffer from the pain afterwards too.


Pain is a sort of danger that is given to people in most cases and in some cases this may not be true. Through the introduction of pain in the body of people, the daily activities of the person are disturbed to a larger e and in order to get relief from the pain, the person can use any sort of medicines regarding the pain and in other cases an ice pack may also help to reduce pain too. The main may be revisited for a longer time period and the entire life of the person is disturbed. On the other hand while undergoing the surgery the person may have to suffer from sort of complications which as a result make the surgery a problem for the surgeon but the great and expert surgeons can handle each and every type of surgery. In this case the after effects of the surgery may not be up to the expectations of people as some of the complications were aroused in the surgery.

To avoid all these happenings and complications it is the duty of the person to contact the best suitable person for the cosmetic surgery and even the person must ensure that the hospital where that person is going must also be a renowned one and on the other hand it must also possess some of the experts for the treatment of the surgery. Many methods of cosmetic surgery can be found by people but in some cases those methods may be harmful for the person and somewhat may also be difficult too.


Dermatologist Alexandria


Dermatologist Bethesda

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Introducing The Revolutionary Smart Lipo Mpx}

Introducing the revolutionary Smart lipo MPX


LMA Clinic

Smart lipo MPX is a great advancement in the evolution of laser liposuction, which provides higher absorption of fatty tissue with the same powerful tissue coagulation and skin tightening effect.

Smart lipo MPX is a liposculpting technique to achieve precise results, with less downtime and trauma than are experienced with traditional techniques. Smartlipo MPX relieves the power and energy of two lasers to dissolve stubborn fat while tightening skin.


The Smartlipo MPX is more effective fat removal with less recovery time, less swelling and bruising. Smartlipo laser at the tip of the cannula will be fired multiple times to break up fat deposits, and then the cannula will be used to suction out the resulting liquid. Recovery time is reduced since there is minimum trauma with the Smart lipo MPX system. After Smartlipo procedure you may be given a compression garment to wear and most of the people are able to return to work within a couple of days of the procedure. Youll see the first results of the procedure within a week or so of your Smartlipo MPX treatment. Your skin and your body will take weeks or even months to accommodate to your new contours. Dr Ayham Al-Ayoubi practicing Smart lipo MPX at his private London Medical & Aesthetic Clinic, 1 Harley Street, London says unmatched skin tightening through tissue coagulation is achieved. Smart lipo MPX sculpting results cannot be achieved with conventional liposuction alone.

London Medical & Aesthetic Clinic is one of leading clinics in Smartlipo Laser Liposuction treatment in the UK

London medical & aesthetic clinic is UK’s one of the leading clinics offering a wide range of treatment including


and laser hair removal.

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Five Easy Ways To Relax And Focus Your Mind In Minutes

By Michaiel Bovenes

Unlike the brain, your mind has no boundaries and can be scattered all over the place. There are many easy ways to relax your mind. All intense exercise, jogging, meditation or mental games like chess or billiards will help to focus your mind. However, most people do not have time to jog five miles or shoot a game of pool when they most need to focus. Also, these activities dont necessarily lead to relaxation. Here are some simple and easy methods to help you both relax and focus your mind in minutes.

To succeed at focusing your mind, it is important to understand that your mind is not your brain. Your brain is the physical apparatus that tunes in and expresses your mind. For instance, your brain can identify a joke, but its your mind that has a sense of humor and makes you laugh. Your brain can identify opportunities, but it is your mind that chooses them or not. Like a computer, your brain doesnt have the power of choice, your mind does. Your brain is similar to a television set. It is a receiver of the airwaves that carry information (thought). Your mind produces the airwaves (information-thoughts) of your consciousness, your personality, and your spirit. It is your brains function to receive and interpret those messages and express them.

Your mind is pure consciousness. It is ageless, non tangible consciousness that contains energy which includes your beliefs, attitudes, thoughts and feelings (emotion), imagination, creativity, memories, hopes and dreams. Your brain is the receiver of your mind. Its purpose is to organize, plan and express your minds information. Knowing how to relax and focus the energy of your mind can help you discover yourself and help you to make trustworthy decisions to live a peaceful life.

Your Imagination is the star pupil of the mind. Your imagination is incredibly powerful. It has the basis of your body mind connection. What you hold and see in your mind affects your body function, chemistry and autonomic systems.

Body Mind Connection Test:

Read the next paragraph slowly and let your mind create the experience in your imagination.

With you eyes open, think about a lemon. Imagine that this lemon is large, with a waxy yellow-pitted skin. It is shiny and beautiful. Now imagine that a knife is cutting the lemon in half, as the blade breaks the skin a spritz of lemon juice squirts out and the juice runs down the blade of the knife. You can smell the lemon juice. Now imagine you are taking half of that lemon and squeezing the juice into your mouth. The bitter lemon juice is swirling over your tongue and and swallow it.

Now, did anything occur in your mouth as your read and imagined that lemon?


Did you find your mouth watering more than normal?

Most people do. Your mind stores the memory of lemon juice and your past experiences. Simply by imagining the lemon you altered the moisture in your mouth. The saliva glands are regulated by the autonomic nervous system. This system controls your heart rate, blood pressure, immune function, digestive, respiratory, circulatory systems and much more.

The secret of hypnosis is using the power of your mind (imagination) to communicate directly to your body, creating change. This is commonly known as your body-mind connection. Everyone has it, but most do not consciously use it to benefit their lives.

Now think about how easy that was for you to do. Imagine if you closed your eyes and really focused on that exercise, how much more effective it could be. My guided meditations all use imagery to help you communicate to your subconscious mind and generate positive influence and change over your mind and body. It works, all you need to do is close your eyes, and let the meditation guide you through the process.

I have formulated five powerful techniques to pick or choose from.

Try any of them or if you are really scattered then do all five I have listed below.

Five Relaxation Techniques to Focus Your Mind

Technique One: Breathe Slowly.

Begin by inhaling a deep breath through your nose and as you slowly exhale through your mouth, mentally repeat the word relax, in your mind. Repeat 3-4 times. You can say the word, relax out loud at first, but then practice silently repeating the word, like a mantra. Next focus your awareness on what has captured your attention. What are you thinking or worrying about? Is your mind in the past or the future? Are you thinking about someone in particular? Explore what has captured your attention and then repeat the breathing exercise above to release it with your breath.

Tip: You can visualize that as you exhale, you are breathing out the thoughts and feelings from your mind through your mouth, like bubbles floating off into the distance.

Technique Two: Write.

This exercise will help you gain clarity and perspective. Find some paper and write down your thoughts. This will help you slow down your thinking and release whats on your mind. As you write, remind yourself I have these thoughts I am not my thoughts; I have these feelings I am not my feelings. Let the words flow out of you and write them down without editing or being concerned with grammar or spelling.

To clear your consciousness fast express in writing what is on your mind. Then take these papers and destroy them. Tear them up and throw them away, flush then down the toilet or burn them. You want to destroy the writing with gusto and intensity. Mentally tell yourself, I am letting go of these thoughts and feelings. I am freeing my mind. This technique is great for insomnia, on restless nights, like I described above.

Tip: An important fact, you can not write as fast as you think, so when you write down your thoughts you will slow down your thinking automatically. This is one of the benefits of journaling and why it is considered a meditative experience. It slows your mind down and focuses your attention quickly.

Technique Three: Hum.

Take a few moments and hum the lyrics of a favorite song. Concentrate on remembering the lyrics and feel the vibration of humming in your throat, face and chest. This will benefit you two ways: 1. Concentration and remembering the song will focus your mind. 2. The vibration of humming will ground you into the sensation of your physical body. It is great technique and you can do this anywhere at anytime. After just a few minutes, you will feel a difference.

Technique Four: Visualize.

Follow this simple guided meditation. Close your eyes. Breathe deeply three times and mentally (silently) say the word relax. Imagine a basketball size sphere of white light hovering about 12 inches above your head. Focus your mind to visualize it the best you can. Imagine that you see it and feel the warmth radiating down on the top of your head. Next, imagine this sphere slowly lowering and touching the crown of your head.

Take another deep breath and bring the sphere down around your head, like a helmet. Imagine if your head is filled with white light. If you were to open your eyes, the light would stream out from inside of you. Imagine that all the scattered thoughts are dissolving them. Focus on the light, feel its warmth and sense it filling your mind with peace and comfort. Breathe naturally for a few minutes. When you are ready, simply open your eyes and go back to your activities. This is great for a quick focus before an important meeting. You can do this in a parked car, your desk or in a bathroom stall.

Technique Five: Be Sensual.

Focus your attention on your five senses. This provides a mental boundary to contain your scattered mind. Being sensual simply means to be aware of your five senses. Smell the air, feel the temperature on your skin, listen to the sounds around you and to taste the food that you eat. Being sensual brings you into the present moment fast and effectively. You now have five easy ways to focus your mind and harness its power. Your mind will help you make more trustworthy decisions throughout your day and experience overall greater inner peace.

These techniques will offer fast and temporary relief of a scattered mind. For a more in-depth method that will help you heal more permanently a scattered mind and keep you centered, I recommend that you learn to meditate. If not from me, then from someone else you know and trust. I do not recommend books on meditation, because they can describe the process, but often it is difficult to follow through. Classes and weekend courses are great, but very time consuming and expensive.

About the Author: Michaiel Patrick Bovenes is a personal empowerment teacher, speaker and author. Since 1994, he’s published a popular series of guided meditations and teahes classes called, “Soul-utions”. Michaiel lives in San Francisco, CA and teaches throughout the USA. Receive Free Meditation MP3 Download at his website at:


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Am I Too Old For Plastic Surgery?}

Submitted by: Katie Perry

The aging process commences immediately after birth. As time marches on, the changes in ones appearance gradually become more and more apparent. While some individuals have good genes and age gracefully, others can appear much older than their years due to various factors, including heredity, smoking, sun exposure, and a generally unhealthy lifestyle.

Many people begin to notice the first signs of aging, such as fine lines, thinning lips, and an overall loss of facial fullness, around the age of 40. The upper eyelids can also start to sag, and bags (herniated fat pads) might appear under the eyes. Oftentimes, these early signs of aging can be treated sufficiently with minimally invasive injectables, such as Botox and Dysport, which can be effective in relaxing the facial muscles that create wrinkles as they contract. Fat fillers can be utilized to fill in fine lines and improve facial contours, while dermal fillers like Restylane can be used to fill in deeper creases, such as the laugh lines that can develop on either side of the nose and mouth. At this point, injectables and/or fillers might be all the treatment a patient wants or requires. These types of minimally invasive treatments can also postpone the need for a surgical facelift procedure. On the other hand, people who have developed more pronounced signs of aging might contemplate a surgical approach, such as a facelift, to help turn back the aging clock.

Can a patients age preclude cosmetic surgery?

Certain older individuals, especially those who are beyond retirement age, might think that plastic surgery is not a viable or worthwhile option for them. Some might feel that they no longer have to try to impress anyone, while others think that they are simply too old for plastic surgery. However, its important to keep in mind that many cosmetic procedures, such as facelifts and other facial rejuvenation techniques, can sometimes erase years from a persons appearance. As such, these procedures by their nature are not intended to be performed on young people.

An advanced chronological age, in and of itself, does not contraindicate certain types of cosmetic surgery. Rather, an individuals physiological age including his or her overall health and fitness level is a much more important factor than chronological age in determining candidacy for any type of surgery, including plastic surgery.


Who is a good candidate for cosmetic surgery?

Prospective patients of all ages not just seniors must meet certain baseline criteria to ensure that they are good candidates for plastic surgery. Those criteria include:

Good overall mental and physical health with no uncontrolled chronic conditions such as cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, or diabetes

A stable, healthy body weight

No cigarette smoking or other tobacco use

Sufficient skin elasticity

Realistic expectations

Appropriate motivations

A full understanding of the procedure and its associated risks, potential complications, and recovery time

With regard to motivations, the distinction between an emotionally healthy reason and an emotionally unhealthy reason for desiring cosmetic surgery can be subtle. For instance, consider the difference between a prospective patient who says, I want to look younger, with one who says, I want to look better for my age. The latter is more likely to be satisfied with the outcome of a cosmetic procedure, and thus is a better candidate.

In sum, if an individual is in good health and has reasonable expectations along with a true desire to enhance his or her appearance, he or she is not too old for plastic surgery. During a personal consultation, a trusted cosmetic surgeon can review these factors and others to help a prospective patient make an informed decision on the most appropriate course of action for his or her personal circumstances and objectives.

Consult with a Board Certified Surgeon

Any individual who is interested in plastic surgery is encouraged to consult with an experienced cosmetic surgeon who is Board Certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, the only board certification for cosmetic surgeons that is recognized by the American Board of Medical Specialties. Board Certification in plastic surgery requires graduation from an accredited medical school, along with highly rigorous training. This training includes completion of a surgical residency program specifically devoted to plastic surgery, as well as successful completion of comprehensive written and oral exams.

About the Author: Katie Perry is an online content editor in the Tampa Bay area. She posts articles about

plastic surgery

topics and procedures including breast augmentation, breast implants, and more.


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Cosmetic Surgery Loans: Enhance Personality Without Fiscal Worries

Cosmetic surgery loans: Enhance personality without fiscal worries


Richard Pasic

Need finance to enhance your personality? You may apply for cosmetic surgery loans. Without financial worries, you may go through cosmetic surgeries, and get physical appearance of your own wish! You will be pleased to know that these loans are available in secured and unsecured forms! Thus, getting required assistance is possible with or without collateral.

Secured cosmetic surgery loans are based on collateral. You need to put some security against the borrowed amount. Real estate, automobile, investment holding, or any other collectible, may act as collateral! These loans are having slightly lower interest rates.


Cosmetic surgery loans

are available without any collateral! You do not need to put any security to the lender. But, these loans are having slightly higher interest rates.

Amount that should be approved to you is actually decided based on several factors, like with which type of loan you are willing to move on with, value of collateral, monthly income, repayment ability, circumstances, requirements, and so on. Usually, cosmetic surgery loans are capable of providing amount of up to 25,000. Repayment term may vary from 6 months to 10 years.

Amount obtained through cosmetic surgery loans is suitable for fulfillment of almost all types of cosmetic surgery needs, including tummy tuck, hair transplant, removing birth mark or accidental mark, nose reshaping, laser treatments, hospital care, consultation, medicine, and so on.

Surgery loans

are available for all types of credit holders. But, credit score may affect interest rates! You are free to apply even with issues like late payments, bankruptcy, arrears, due payments, Country Court Judgments, and so on. However, poor credit may require you to pay slightly higher interest rates!

Online process may prove to be one of the most appropriate means of making application for cosmetic surgery loans. For applying through online means, you do not personally need to visit any lending company, and stand in long queue. Application form remains available online, round the clock! Sitting in home or office, you may fill few of the required details in online application form. To pick the perfect deal, it is advisable to do some research and compare free online quotes, before applying!

Richard Pasic has been associated with Loans. He is offering loan advice for quite some time. He writes on various types of loans. To know more about bad credit cosmetic surgery loans,

Cosmetic surgery loans

, unsecured cosmetic surgery loans visit

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Learn How Isometric Exercise Can Be A Low Impact, Highly Impactful Part Of Your Exercise Routine

By Ellen Miller

Isometric Exercise is a wonderful way to exercise the muscles while in a stationary position. Because it does not involve extreme joint rotations or stenuous activity, it is ideal for those with joint problems, heart murmurs, or various other medical conditions. Mainly, isometrics consist of contracting and relaxing muscles without changing the length of the muscle or the joint angle.

Isometric exercise has become popular of late due to a recent discovery by John Little and Pete Sisco. In the past, it was impossible to measure the effect of isometric exercises. John Little and Pete Sisco managed to find a way to calculate the output of isometric exercises. Because of this, popularity surged yet again and people became more interested in these stationary exercises.

Many people will utilize isometric exercises in combination with other exercises in order to further work the muscle group. For example, if one was lifting weights and held the weight at the chest while squeezing muscle groups, the workout is effectively doubled.

Isometric Exercises can be conducted without those around even knowing what you’re doing. For example, breathing in, holding it, and squeezing one’s abdominal muscles is a form of isometric exercise. For the most part, these are purely strength training exercises.


As with any exercise program, to see the full benefits, it is best to mix in some cardiovascular work (such as jogging or bicycling). Also, a healthy diet and good nutritional choices go a long way in assisting the pounds fly. Everyone loves junk food like ice cream and chocolate. For most of us, it is impossible to live without these things. Moderation and frequency of engaging in such “taste bud indulgences” are the key to nutritional success.

The most important component of isometric exercise is breath control. One must assume a straight position where the spine is aligned, such as standing or sitting straight up with shoulders back. The most effective method of Isometric exercise utilizes a steady rhythmic breathing to assure enough oxygen intake for proper muscle usage.

When performing any form of exercise, you should never be “holding” your breath, you should be inhaling or exhaling.

Isometric exercise can be added to any exercise routine to increase effectiveness. Many will simply perform simple stretches and add the isometric element to speed up muscle addition. Isometrics are fantastic in combination with resistance band training. Utilizing isometric exercise with resistance band training during work or while watching television for a mere fifteen minutes per day increases muscle tone and strength phenomenally.

One simple isometric exercise that one can do at work that helps increase energy and tone muscles, especially fantastic for those mid-afternoon downtimes: To start, place your hands, palms facing up underneath your desk surface – keeping your elbows tucked in at your waist – push upward against the desk and hold.

Be sure to keep your shoulders down and relaxed… and breathe.

Hold for ten to fifteen seconds then relax. Repeat up to two times.

You’ll be amazed how a little focused breathing and exercise can help the rest of your day.

About the Author: Owner of IsoBreathing Inc. and creator of IsoBreathing Ellen has been teaching life style and fitness over 20 years and is a certified fitness practitioner and personal trainer. Find out about Isometric Exercise, Weight Loss Exercise or buy her Exercise DVD – visit



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Am I Too Old For Plastic Surgery?}

Submitted by: Katie Perry

The aging process commences immediately after birth. As time marches on, the changes in ones appearance gradually become more and more apparent. While some individuals have good genes and age gracefully, others can appear much older than their years due to various factors, including heredity, smoking, sun exposure, and a generally unhealthy lifestyle.

Many people begin to notice the first signs of aging, such as fine lines, thinning lips, and an overall loss of facial fullness, around the age of 40. The upper eyelids can also start to sag, and bags (herniated fat pads) might appear under the eyes. Oftentimes, these early signs of aging can be treated sufficiently with minimally invasive injectables, such as Botox and Dysport, which can be effective in relaxing the facial muscles that create wrinkles as they contract. Fat fillers can be utilized to fill in fine lines and improve facial contours, while dermal fillers like Restylane can be used to fill in deeper creases, such as the laugh lines that can develop on either side of the nose and mouth. At this point, injectables and/or fillers might be all the treatment a patient wants or requires. These types of minimally invasive treatments can also postpone the need for a surgical facelift procedure. On the other hand, people who have developed more pronounced signs of aging might contemplate a surgical approach, such as a facelift, to help turn back the aging clock.

Can a patients age preclude cosmetic surgery?

Certain older individuals, especially those who are beyond retirement age, might think that plastic surgery is not a viable or worthwhile option for them. Some might feel that they no longer have to try to impress anyone, while others think that they are simply too old for plastic surgery. However, its important to keep in mind that many cosmetic procedures, such as facelifts and other facial rejuvenation techniques, can sometimes erase years from a persons appearance. As such, these procedures by their nature are not intended to be performed on young people.

An advanced chronological age, in and of itself, does not contraindicate certain types of cosmetic surgery. Rather, an individuals physiological age including his or her overall health and fitness level is a much more important factor than chronological age in determining candidacy for any type of surgery, including plastic surgery.


Who is a good candidate for cosmetic surgery?

Prospective patients of all ages not just seniors must meet certain baseline criteria to ensure that they are good candidates for plastic surgery. Those criteria include:

Good overall mental and physical health with no uncontrolled chronic conditions such as cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, or diabetes

A stable, healthy body weight

No cigarette smoking or other tobacco use

Sufficient skin elasticity

Realistic expectations

Appropriate motivations

A full understanding of the procedure and its associated risks, potential complications, and recovery time

With regard to motivations, the distinction between an emotionally healthy reason and an emotionally unhealthy reason for desiring cosmetic surgery can be subtle. For instance, consider the difference between a prospective patient who says, I want to look younger, with one who says, I want to look better for my age. The latter is more likely to be satisfied with the outcome of a cosmetic procedure, and thus is a better candidate.

In sum, if an individual is in good health and has reasonable expectations along with a true desire to enhance his or her appearance, he or she is not too old for plastic surgery. During a personal consultation, a trusted cosmetic surgeon can review these factors and others to help a prospective patient make an informed decision on the most appropriate course of action for his or her personal circumstances and objectives.

Consult with a Board Certified Surgeon

Any individual who is interested in plastic surgery is encouraged to consult with an experienced cosmetic surgeon who is Board Certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, the only board certification for cosmetic surgeons that is recognized by the American Board of Medical Specialties. Board Certification in plastic surgery requires graduation from an accredited medical school, along with highly rigorous training. This training includes completion of a surgical residency program specifically devoted to plastic surgery, as well as successful completion of comprehensive written and oral exams.

About the Author: Katie Perry is an online content editor in the Tampa Bay area. She posts articles about

plastic surgery

topics and procedures including breast augmentation, breast implants, and more.


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Your Rental Property Facelift Guide

Submitted by: Rhonda Hoffman

If you own an average home in Edmonton, Alberta you made $161 yesterday and will do so again today. That is the increase in the real estate market at present. Knowing this should help you understand that real estate investing in Canada is a smart thing to do.

Buying and selling property doesn’t need to be an intimidating proposition when you look at the fundamentals of the market and keep them in mind when looking to own land. We invest in mutual funds and are grateful for the interest even when it is less than one percent because at least this year we didn’t lose any of it. Alternatively, we look at the crazy increase that is available when we own land whether we are buying it or selling it, because of it’s inherent value.

The vacancy rate in Edmonton is less than one percent and Red Deer has a zero vacancy rate right now. When you own property you are able to help those looking for housing and feel good about your investment increase at the same time. While raw land may not have the same value as property with a home on it, it is still worth taking a look at for the money you have to invest. The buying market is tight but there are still some good deals to be found by those selling you just may have to look a little harder.


Ultimately real estate is a great vehicle to invest your money in right now as buying property is the surest way to see a positive return with Alberta being the second best place in the world for buying land. Vacancy rates are low and employment rates are high which means the money you invest in property is making money for you. Buying for rental income is a great way to go and your investment can be enhanced with a few small tips.

Okay so you love shag carpet and lava lamps. That is not to say your renters will when they come to take a look at your revenue property. It s important to keep in mind that while your tastes may be, shall we say timeless, you have to make your property welcoming. Please do us all a favorite and stay away from renter beige but give it a warm color that is still in the neutrals so that it can match almost any furniture they bring with them. New paint and carpet or sometimes just a good cleaning of the flooring is the least expensive and most dramatic way to increase the perceived value of your rental property. If that value is perceived to be higher the amount you can charge for rent goes up as well. Aside from new paint and a neutral carpet you can look at new lighting, which can be inexpensive and make a big difference.

The first touch your potential renter has with the property is the front door. Is the lock broken or loose? Is the door warped or worn? A new door with a decorative window will give them the feeling of safety and security and will provide a great return on your investment. Be sure the house numbers are large, visible from the street and well lit.

Once inside the property look around with fresh eyes as if seeing it for the first time. Perhaps the avocado green stove and the harvest gold fridge could use some updating as well. While you don t have to go for the top of the line appliances, do be sure that they match and will work well for a long time. You can t go wrong with choosing white for these, as it is a crisp, clean color. Another option if you have a few suites in one building is to install a coin operated washer and dryer. If you share the revenue with the laundry company you may be able to side step the repair and maintenance woes as that company could be in charge of them. New appliances can increase your monthly rental charge (perceived value again) and reduce the time and effort spent on the not so reliable older machines.

While you want to provide a great home for your renters you must also keep in mind that this is a business and keeping your eye on the bottom line is essential. It often doesn t take much to be able to accomplish both.

About the Author: Rhonda Hoffman is a successful investor, author and regular contributor to


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