Five Reasons You Will Love Living in a Condo


Andy Asbury

In my line of work, I talk to a lot of condo owners, and would be condo owners. In some cases, I am selling them their first condo. And in others, I am following up with people who previously have bought a condo. But the vast majority of them all share one similarity: They love living in a condo. Following are five reasons to love the condo life.

1. Location. When you live in a downtown condo, there is no shortage of things to do. Simply put, if you are bored, it is probably your own fault. Many downtown areas have an abundance of restaurants and shopping, entertainment and arts. If sports are your thing, you can probably find a professional or college team to go see. And if you like music, you can probably find shows ranging from musicals to operas to bands playing in dark nightclubs.


2. Transportation. In all likelihood, public transportation options such as buses and light rails will be just a short walk away. They can take you to places within the city, or outside of it. Depending on where you work and how often you need your own wheels, you may even be able to do without owning your own vehicle. Just think of how much money it will free up to not worry about a car payment and insurance.

3. Amenities. Condo buildings often are full of amenities such as fitness rooms, pools, party rooms, and more. The nice thing: You have full access to such amenities thanks to the monthly association fee you pay. That monthly payment not only gives you access, but it also is used to pay for upkeep of the amenities. If you are a fan of working out, for example, you may be able to cancel your gym membership and just use the fitness room in your condo building.

4. Low maintenance. You will not be completely free from maintenance responsibilities, but almost. You do not, for example, have to worry about mowing the grass, raking leaves, trimming bushes, or shoveling snow. And you do not have to worry about maintaining the exterior of the building. Freedom from such responsibilities leaves time for you to pursue the activities you really enjoy.

5. Friendly faces. If you are a people person, you will enjoy the proximity to your neighbors. You will see them in the hallways, or when you are using the amenities. And if you want to go visit, you do not even have to go outside. And you likely will enjoy a certain amount of comfort in knowing your neighbors are so close, especially when you are gone.

Andy Asbury, a writer and broker at Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Area Leaders, leads a team of

Minneapolis condos

specialists. Their goal is to help clients find the perfect place for them, such as the

The Groveland

in Loring Park.

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Five Reasons You Will Love Living in a Condo