Category: Dentistry

Dental Insurance: A Comprehensive Guide

Understanding Dental Insurance and Its Impact on Oral Health

Dental insurance plays a central role in maintaining oral health, providing financial assistance for essential procedures and routine care. It serves as a safety net, helping offset the costs associated with check-ups, cleanings, X-rays, and other dental treatments that can sometimes be quite hefty.

The world of dental insurance can be complex, with different types of plans offering varying coverage levels. Understanding these factors is essential to make informed decisions about your oral healthcare.

Dental insurance plans are often categorized into three main types: Preferred Provider Organizations (PPO), Dental Health Maintenance Organizations (DHMO), and indemnity plans. PPO plans offer a balance of affordability and choice, enabling patients to see dentists within a preferred network for lower costs. DHMO plans can offer lower premiums but limit visits to dentists within a strict network. On the other hand, indemnity plans offer the most flexibility, allowing individuals to see any dentist but typically at a higher cost.

One of the essential aspects of dental insurance plans is the covered procedures. Most plans offer 100% coverage for preventive care, such as cleanings and check-ups. Basic procedures like fillings or extractions might have lesser coverage, often around 70%-80%, while major procedures such as root canals or crowns may only be covered about 50%. However, dental insurance does not typically cover cosmetic procedures. These procedures are out-of-pocket costs unless they are necessary for the overall health of your teeth.

One commonly requested cosmetic procedure is teeth whitening. While it is not usually covered, many dental insurance providers might contract with dentists to offer discounts on such cosmetic procedures to their insurance holders. It is important to discuss all types of procedures with your dental healthcare provider to understand coverage and potential out-of-pocket costs.

A popular question among dental insurance users is the coverage of “dentist for teeth whitening” procedures. Sadly, since teeth whitening is considered a cosmetic procedure, it is not typically covered by most dental insurance plans. However, some plans may include allowances for patients for specific cosmetic procedures, or may provide discounts for these services in their provider networks.

When considering a dental insurance plan, factors to contemplate include your current dental health, your oral healthcare needs, and your financial circumstances. It would be best if you also considered the policy’s annual maximum, which the insurer will pay over one year, and the deductible, which you must pay before the plan’s benefits kick in. Co-pays and premiums are additional expenses to consider.

In conclusion, while navigating the world of dental insurance can seem daunting, understanding the essentials can help you make an informed decision regarding your oral health coverage. Dental insurance offers a range of choices and coverage options; it’s about finding the plan that best fits your needs. Always remember – the key to finding the best dental plan is to assess your needs, compare your options extensively, and choose wisely. The best dental plan for you is one that offers the most benefits while fitting into your budget, and most importantly, keeping your teeth and mouth healthy.

Saving Money On Car Insurance

Submitted by: Michael Newsom

The recent financial crisis has everyone worried about financial security. Despite hard times, only one-quarter of drivers will review their insurance coverage this year. Most don t know how to reduce their costs. We can offer some sound advice to all drivers looking to improve their auto insurance:

Regularly review your policy to make sure that you are getting the combination of coverage, service and price that meets your needs. Consider sitting down and discussing coverage with an independent insurance agent. It is free and can ensure that you are getting the best value possible on your auto policy. It may even keep you and your family safer.

1. Use higher deductibles to lower premiums. Insurance is designed to protect you from major financial losses. How major a $500 loss is depends largely on your income level or savings. Consider the cost-benefit of a higher deductible the amount for which you accept responsibility before the insurer pays anything.


2. Think about limits. Sometimes the cheapest auto insurance isn t the best. Liability coverage protects you in a lawsuit, and uninsured motorist coverage protects you if someone without any or enough insurance injures you. Higher limits can provide significantly better protection for only a few extra dollars per month.

3. Eliminate coverage for damage to your older car. If the annual cost to insure the car itself is more than 10% of the value of the car, you can save by dropping the coverage and carrying liability only. If the car is totaled in an accident you cause, you ll have to replace it yourself, but you ll have the insurance savings to help fund your purchase. Check the values of older cars at or

4. Take advantage of discounts. Companies offer many different types of premium discounts. Check with your agent to make sure you are getting the ones you deserve. You can get a discount on your auto insurance if you buy homeowner s or renter s insurance from the same company.

5. Remember that your choices affect the cost of insurance. To reduce your costs: a. Drive defensively. Speeding tickets and accidents can significantly affect your insurance costs. Consider taking a defensive driving course for a discount on your insurance. FMI, visit b. Improve your credit score. FMI, visit, or c. Buy a safer car. FMI, visit d. Buy a car with a lower average repair cost. Your mechanic may have helpful suggestions. e. Reduce the risk of theft. FMI, visit

6. Use a Trusted Choice agent. A Trusted Choice agent sells insurance for many different companies, and can save you time and money by finding a insurance company that offers the combination of coverage and service you need at a price that fits your budget.

W.J. Wheeler & Company, a Trusted Choice agency, has been offering personal and commercial insurance to clients in Western Maine since 1864 with offices in South Paris and Bethel. Visit or call 743-8927 or 824-2580.

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Fat Loss For Idiots My Fat Loss 4 Idiots Review From My Experience

By Athanasios G.

There are many diet programs and websites out there all touting their product as the best thing since sliced bread (sorry about that, but I could not resist). Anyway, the fat loss for idiots program, also known as the fat loss 4 idiots and fat loss for beginners program is the hottest diet on the internet today. I am usually very skeptical about diet programs that get a lot of press because I don’t go for fad diets. I did some research on my own and went to the various weight loss forums and did some looking around there. When people are not happy with a program, they are usually very vocal. I saw that there were many people who enjoyed success with the program and they all agreed that it was simple to follow and had no weird dietary requirements. I was convinced that this was something I could succeed at so I tried it out. Below are my conclusions based on my experience doing the fat loss for idiots diet.

First, I went to the fat loss for idiots website to download the program. As of this writing, you have two options; download the diet alone, or with the online calculator. I chose the complete package. I read the diet plan and using their online diet generator was able to create a customized day by day menu. I have to say that I really liked the idea that my every meal was spelled out clearly and included foods that I was able to choose from the food list. I should also mention that the diet favors simple, unprocessed foods without complicated recipes and weird ingredients so the meal preparation was really minimal. For me, this is a big plus. With many diets I was on previously, the daunting task of meal preparation and measuring and all that was a real drag, let me tell you. For those of you who work and commute, I have to say that the meals are portable and you don’t have to worry about heating things up so you can eat your meals anywhere.


The basic structure of the fat loss for idiots diet is to eat 4 meals each day and space them about 2.5 to 3 hours apart. You are also expected to finish eating before 7:00PM. I have advocated these two ideas for a long time. The idea of having smaller meals evenly spaced apart serves several purposes. First and foremost, you are kept from getting really hungry and cheating on your diet. Not having that starving feeling really helps you lose weight. Second, by eating smaller meals more often stimulates your metabolism. Keeping your metabolism going is very important. If your metabolism stalls, your weight loss will stall with it. It is worth noting that many diet programs and websites tell you not to eat your last meal of the day late. This is good advice for any diet. If your body does not have time to burn these calories, it will store the excess as fat, something to avoid when you are on a diet.

Another main ingredient of the diet is the concept of changing food groups around. The diet generator on the fat loss for idiots website keeps your body off balance by varying the proteins and carbohydrates and fats. By constantly mixing the ratios, your body does not adapt to the changes fast enough and the weight loss does not stall. But does the diet work? Did it work for me?

I stuck with the entire 11 day fat loss for idiots diet plan and lost about 10 pounds. I did not exercise during this period. I was about 35lbs. overweight when I started the diet. I am very happy with the results. I plan on giving my body some time to adjust and soon I will generate a new diet on the fat loss for idiots website to continue my weight loss journey. I hope this article has helped you. In my bio, there are links to more information on this diet as well as a link to my personal weight loss website that has free articles on various weight loss topics. Please visit the fat loss for idiots article link for a quick rundown of the pros and cons. Thanks for reading and good luck!

About the Author: Mr. G. is a weight loss fanatic. He is passionate about weight loss and fitness. A long time trainer, he is back on track to his lowest weight. For more information on the diet we discussed above, click here:

Fat Loss for Idiots Information

. For advice and articles on weight loss, visit:

Weight Loss Fast Tips and Articles



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Select A Competent Dentist New York For Your Oral Care

Submitted by: Erzana Jones

We realize the value of certain things in life only when they have been destroyed or are no longer available to us. A simple example of this is our teeth which we take for granted right from our childhood. Although most parents try to imbibe a basic sense of oral hygiene in their kids, its seldom the case when we follow the childhood rules even in adulthood. Some of the basic training includes regular brushing of teeth after every meal or at least twice a day and definitely before going off to bed. However, our hectic lifestyle may make some of us so tired that at the end of the day we may skip this simple routine of oral care. Also, the food and drink that we intake can have a serious effect on our teeth like edibles of extreme temperature; however that has not stopped any of us from consuming hot beverages or frozen desserts. Even addictive habits like nicotine intake can cause serious damage in the form of staining of our teeth. It is time we wake up and smell the coffee and entrust the care of our teeth to a competent dentist New York.

Whatever may be the dental ailment that we are suffering from, like misaligned teeth, stained yellow teeth, broken or chipped tooth, rest assured that it can be restored by an experienced dentist New York. However, the important criterion is to find such a dentist New York who has the necessary expertise to provide the best oral care to you or your loved ones. Some easy ways to locate such a medical professional is through yellow pages, internet or perhaps through past reference of other patients. Once you have selected a doctor of your choice you can completely entrust your oral health care to him or her.


Use of braces and teeth whitening procedures are some of the most common procedures implemented by dentist New York. It is best to approach a dentist whenever you sense the slightest dental problem and leave it upon him to suggest the best method of treatment. Also, it is advisable to do a little background research about the procedure before you actually start off with the treatment. Ask your dentist all queries that you may be having about the treatment and clarify every doubt that you may have. The time of recovery from a treatment also depends on the dentist treating you, hence be prepared to undertake all precautions as suggested by your dentist once you are through with the treatment.

A dentist in New York should be competent enough to properly diagnose the problem and provide the accurate treatment. However as we all are aware of the fact that prevention is better than cure, hence it is advisable to take proper care of your oral hygiene on a day to day basis. A little care in maintaining a dental routine and a care towards your lifestyle and eating habit are sure to ensure that your teeth stay pearly white and the smile remains intact.

About the Author: Erzana Jones has special interest in dentistry and health related topics.For more information about Dentist NYC,Dentist New York,Dentist Manhattan,IV sedation dentistry New York,Invisalign New York or any kind of dental emergency visit


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A Cosmetic Dentistry Manual For That Pretty Great Smile

A Cosmetic Dentistry Manual for That Pretty Great Smile


Steve Robbins

Getting a cosmetic dentistry performs for your self is not that simple most especially if it is the first time that you are ever going to get one. Most likely, you don t realize which usually cosmetic dentistry approach that will suit your definite needs. If you don t know exactly where to find the a large percentage of ideal and well-qualified cosmetic dentist, it is mandatory that you have a cosmetic dentistry handbook in order that you don t result up with a less than qualified one and mess up your look perhaps a bit more.

Taking the appropriate cosmetic dentist will certainly not only give you a charming smile but a pretty sure value to your funds. You don t really need to trash the funds you want to expend on your renovating your smile, so might possibly as well read the succeeding instructions to finding the suitable dentist for you:

When exploring for the right cosmetic dentist, look for one particular who mind to your desires. A right dentist mind intently and then offers viable solutions to your specific case. He provides treatments immediately before following on the treatment, so it is all-important that you get completely ready to talk about just about your specifications to boost your teeth and your smile. Notify the dentist absolutely what it is that you want. Discuss the issue you have been encountering just because you don t have a great smile because of the problematic teeth. Serving him all your conditions is the optimal start to finding that actual exceptional solution with the help of your dentist.


Shortly after talking about with the dentist, it will help a lot if you could ask him to display you before and after photographs which display his works done on his past customers. A decent dentist commonly holds these photos to ensure he has decent facts to show how he is capable of conducting the procedures to his customers. Moreover, he would not hesitate to display these snapshots once a would-be customer asks him.

Don t be self-conscious to ask him for references. Most of these records are of course his original clients. A qualified or accomplished dentist will not hesitate to give you one or two consenting customers who typically received benefits of the exact same management you are just about to get from him.

You can speak to the aesthetic dentist too of exactly what technology he employs or what post-graduate dentistry school he went through before practicing. It is certainly not a bad factor as well to ask him how he upgrades his device and knowledge. In doing see, you will pleasantly learn how competitive and seasoned the citizen you are just about to deal with.

As long as the dentist is adequate at his application, he should know and be prepared what medication options are available for your distinct case. He should also be ready to give you a distinct outline of said methods, as correctly as their respective price breakdown.

Though this is a minor factor to acquire, having said that, it is mandatory that you see a aesthetic dentist who will meet with your identity. This is really important because you may want a dentist whom you can possibly well pertain with. If this is the condition, it will be most convenient for you to enlighten him all your challenges attended by having a not-so right smile and teeth; thus, will be easiest for the dentist too to find that perfect cosmetic dentistry treatment for you.

Want more info about looking after and getting the most out of your teeth, then I would like to invite you to visit our website

Dentist Brisbane


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The Sun City Dentist On Oral Health: Meet The Good And The Bad!

The Sun City Dentist on Oral Health: Meet the Good and the Bad!


Rozar Peter

Here s something you probably didn t know: maintaining a healthy set of teeth and gums for life goes beyond regular and thorough brushing and flossing. As important as good oral hygiene and regular appointments with the Sun City dentist are, you also need to eat the right foods and avoid the bad ones. In this article, the cosmetic dentist in Arizona has put together a list of foods you should try to incorporate into your diet more often, as well as a list of the foods you should permanently scrap! So, without further ado, here are the good and the bad!

Foods that are GOOD for Your Oral Health

The Sun City Dentist Recommends Dairy Products

Dairy products, such as yogurt, cheese and milk contain essential elements, such as phosphates and calcium. These play a key role in remineralizing the enamel of your teeth, making them stronger and more resilient against acid, bacteria and decay, explains the cosmetic dentist in Arizona. Cheese also helps to stimulate the production of saliva, which not only helps to flush the mouth of food debris, but is also the body s natural defense against bacteria.

The Sun City Dentist Recommends Fiber-rich Vegetables and Fruits

Fibrous fruits and vegetables have a wonderful cleaning effect in the mouth, says the Sun City dentist. They gently scrape and scrub your teeth, tongue and gums, helping to dislodge plaque and other bits of food debris. These particular foods, like dairy, help to stimulate saliva production, which neutralizes the acidity of your mouth, flushes out food debris and helps to protect against bacteria. Saliva also contains minerals that are essential for the remineralization of your teeth after eating, calcium and phosphate, says the cosmetic dentist in Arizona.


The Sun City Dentist Recommends Sugar-free Chewing Gum

Chewing sugar-free gum after a meal or snack is another saliva stimulator which, for all the previously-mentioned reasons, is great for your teeth.

The Sun City Dentist Recommends Green and Black Teas

Green and black tea is high in polyphenols, which are known for their anti-bacteria actions, explains the cosmetic dentist in Arizona. Polyphenols serve to both kill and suppress these tiny cavity-causing micro-organisms.

The Sun City Dentist Recommends Foods Containing Fluoride

Our most important source of fluoride is our drinking water. So any food you prepare with water will be beneficial for the health of your teeth. Seafood, powdered cereals and poultry is also known to contain small amounts of fluoride. It s important that your water contains fluoride, so steer clear of filtered or bottled water, advises the cosmetic dentist in Arizona. Opt instead for spring or mineral water.

Foods that are BAD for Your Oral Health

The Sun City Dentist Advises Against Sticky Sweets and Candies

If you ve got an insatiable and undeniable sweet tooth, then opt for candy that quickly clears out of your mouth, such as chocolate. You should avoid sticky sweets that adhere to the cusps of your teeth and remain in your mouth for a long time, says the Sun City dentist. These indulgences tend to increase bacterial activity and plaque production, so it s a no to caramels, toffees, lollipops and cough drops.

The Sun City Dentist Advises Against Fizzy Soft Drinks

Colas are loaded with sugar and are high in acid. If you re thirsty, drink water instead!

The Sun City Dentist Advises Against Starchy Foods that Stick in Your Teeth

Soft, starchy foods like white breads and chips can easily get lodged in the tiny spaces between your teeth, says the cosmetic dentist in Arizona. Unless you re smart about flossing regularly, which most people aren t, try to cut down on these.

The Sun City Dentist Advises Against Foods that Cause Dry Mouth

Many medicines and alcohol cause dry mouth , which has the opposite effect to sugar-free gum. Speak to your doctor about switching medications if you have noticed this problem, advises the Sun City dentist.

As an experience

Sun City dentist

for year after year, Doc.Rozar Peter describes the good and bad food products for your oral health. He is also associated with

cosmetic dentists Arizona

dental center.

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Hourly Rates For Plumbers How Much Per Hour Does A Plumber Make?

By Blake Maxted

If your pipes burst or you have a clog, who is the first person you call? The plumber, naturally is the first thought to enter your head. This is one sector that does not seem to be affected by the economy. Many people are deciding to learn this profession due to this fact. However, one thing they want to know is how much a plumber typically makes per hour.

A plumber will make different amounts depending on experience. Those who are training will not make as much as someone who has been working at this profession for years. Members of unions will make more than those who do not belong. This is why the following are estimates depending on different factors.

When you see what is considered an average salary for a plumber in the U.S. it will be about $27,000 per year. However, this is based on all plumbers. The apprentice may only earn $18,000 per year while a Master Plumber can earn around $47,000 per year. To keep things clear, look at the salaries in the range of $20, $30, and $40,000 and up per year.


Those who are starting out in the plumbing profession are essentially earning a salary while they work. A Plumber?s Helper earns the aforementioned $18,000 but they drop the apostrophe S when they become a Plumber Helper and, in doing so, can earn upwards of $25,000 per year. That would be plumber hourly rates of $9 – $12 an hour.

When they are no longer considered a helper, they may make $30,000 per year. After learning enough to specialize in this profession, the plumber can earn more and more. The specialists in some fields such as Oil & GA can earn about $33,000 and the more specialized plumbers may earn more – such as the high 30s. Averaging out to about $15 to $19 per hour for plumbers is about the amounts made.

Top rates paid for plumbers who are licensed are from $40 to $50,000 a year. This includes journeyman plumbers, plumber technicians and plumber pipe fitters. An hourly rate of $20 to $25 would be what this annual salary ends up being.

Keep in mind these numbers are based on a person working 40 hours a week. As such, the base rate is what this is considered. If you work more than 40 hours, overtime will apply which will end up being more income. If you do not work 40 hours a week, your pay will be less. The money earned as a plumber is based upon how much you work and the services performed.

If you are looking to use a plumber and are wondering how much they will cost you will find though that the actual rates will also vary depending on the area you are in, the difficulty of the work involved, and how busy the plumber is at that point in time. It con sometimes become a case of supply and demand. If there is plenty of plumbing work around the plumbers may increase their prices and vice versa when they dont have enough work. So it is important to get various quotes for a couple of plumbers before you start.

About the Author: Blake Maxted is an Experienced Construction Professional, he has further detailed information about

plumber hourly rates


how to become a plumber



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Homeopathy Approach For Urine Retention}

Submitted by: Steven Guptha

Urinary retention is also known as ischuria.


It is lack of ability to urinate.

It is a common complication of benign prostatic hypertrophy (also known as benign prostatic hyperplasia or BPH).

Retention of urine can be acute or chronic.

Acute urinary retention:

Even though bladder is full a person with this condition cannot urinate at all.

Acute urinary retention is a medical emergency requiring prompt action.

Chronic urinary retention:

With chronic urinary retention, person may be able to urinate, but you have trouble starting a stream or emptying your bladder completely.

Person may urinate frequently or may feel an urgent need to urinate but have little success when get to the toilet or may feel that still have to go after finishing urinating.

Chronic urinary retention may not seem life threatening, but it can lead to serious problems and should also receive attention from a health professional.


Urinary retention is a common disorder in elderly males as the most common cause of urinary retention is benign prostate hypertrophy .

And this disorder starts around age 50 and symptoms may appear after 10-15 years.

BPH is a progressive disorder and narrows the neck of the bladder leading to urinary retention.

In young males, the most common cause of urinary retention is infection of the prostate (Acute prostatitis).


In the bladder:

a.Neurogenic bladder

b.Iatrogenic scarring of the bladder neck (commonly from removal of indwelling catheters)

c.Damage to the bladder


d.bladder stones

In the prostate:

a.Prostate cancer

b.Benign prostate hyperplasia






d.spinal cord injury


f.uretheral stricture

g.cystocele and rectocele


Acute urinary retention causes

a.great discomfort, and even pain.

b.Person feel an urgent need to urinate but simply cant.

c.The lower belly is bloated.

Chronic urinary retentioncauses

a.mild but constant discomfort.

b.difficulty starting a stream of urine.

c.Once started, the flow is weak.

d. need to go frequently.

e. dribbling of urine between trips to the toilet because bladder is constantly full, a condition called overflow incontinence.


1.History of Complaints and Physical Examination

2.Urine Sample:

A urine sample will be examined for signs of infection, which may be a cause or a result of urinary retention.

3.Bladder Scan


5.X Ray and Computerized Tomography (CT) Scan

6.Blood Test for Prostate-specific Antigen (PSA) for prostate cancer

7.Prostate Fluid Sample for prostatis

8.Urodynamic Tests:

Urodynamic tests include different techniques to measure the bladders ability to empty steadily and completely.



With acute urinary retention, treatment begins with the insertion of a catheter through the urethra to drain the bladder.

This initial treatment relieves the immediate distress of a full bladder and prevents permanent bladder damage.

2.Treatments to Relieve Prostate Enlargement

3.Surgery for Women with Cystocele or Rectocele

4.Treatments for Men with Urethral Stricture


1.Urinary Tract Infection

2.Bladder Damage

3.Chronic Kidney Disease

Homoeopathic treatment:


a.dull distressing pain

b.a feeling of fullness in the bladder, even after urinating, this remedy may be helpful.

c.Urging and discomfort are more intense when the bladder has recently been emptied,

2.Apis mellifica:

This remedy is indicated when the person:

a.frequently needs to urinate, but only small quantities are passed.

b.Stinging and burning sensations are felt

c.Heat and touch make the symptoms worse, and cold applications, cool bathing, and open air bring relief.

d.A lack of thirst is another indication.

3. Belladonna:

This remedy may be beneficial:

a.if urging to urinate is frequent and intense, and the bladder feels very sensitive.

b.A cramping sensation may be felt in the bladder area.

c.Small amounts of highly-colored urine pass(useful even if passes small amounts of blood)

About the Author: Dr Guptha faculty for the

medical billing training


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